Saturday, October 18, 2008


Today I caught the bus to work and I was late.. I seem to always be late for work when catching the bus now due to the amount of work that is being conducted around the place - I mean if my bus isnt already running 10-15mins behind schedule it seems to acrue that time when I am on it... This means that to get to work on time I would have to leave home more than 1 hour before I am due to start work for what should be a 5 min walk and a 10-15min bus ride. I can't really gripe about this fact as I am usually only five mins late at the most. However today I got on the bus (earlier then normal) and I was still late - thankfully there was another staff member on board who knew what was going on. My bus not only took a huge detour - but we all had to get off and onto another bus and then wait 10mins for the bus to be filled from a second bus... crazy. This meant that we were a good 15mins late for work when the bus should have gotten us into town 10mins before we had to be at work.

I just cant win with public transport at the moment.....

1 comment:

Nerd of the Library said...

And to add insult to injury... people on buses with OVERTLY LOUD MP3 players.
Dude, I get car sick on the bus to work and MP3 players make my travel sickness worse... you know, the muted noise and all.
I hear you about buses. I waited 45mins for one the other day. No explanation why it was 45 mins late either. I got home at dark.